Sunday, October 11, 2015

Meet Katsunobu Kato

The man PM Abe has chosen to lead the LDP's efforts to foster economic and population growth is not a household name.  Katsunobu Kato however is known in the nationalist circle of Tokyo.

Kato twice failed to get elected to the Diet in 1998 and 2000 due to his anti-Korean rhetoric.  Kato accused South Korea of conspiring with North Korea to abduct Japanese citizens.  Kato has denied the use of sex slaves and has often said that reparations to Koreans are "an insult to Japan's dignity as they help perpetuate a lie."

Kato does not stop at his disdain for Koreans and a need to revise history though.  Kato also is against Abe plans to expand the role of women in Japan.  Just last Monday, Kato noted, "I do not understand how we can grow the population and have women in the work place.  Either women care for the home or they should stay single.  It seems Abe wants to cater to the liberal I want it both ways crowd."

Kato is also openly affiliated with the Nippon Kaigi.  This nationalist and far right wing organization seeks to completely do away with Article 9 of the constitution.  Approve history textbooks for schools that portray Japan as fighting WWII to save Asia from European and American imperialism.  Revise the use of sex slaves, POW torture, Unit 723, and the invasion and slaughter in Nanjing.  PM Abe serves on the executive committee with Kato.  All of the Abe cabinet members are chosen from LDP politicians affiliated with this group.

Kato's new appointment as Minister In Charge Of Building A Society Which All Can Participate is seen as a joke among many LDP and opposition party members.  They see this as no more than another office created to bounce ideas but find no solutions.

Masato Imai, Secretary General of the second largest opposition party, Ishin no To (Japan Innovation Party), questioned the necessity of creating the new post.  “I have no idea what kind of roles the minister will play. Abe is trying to appeal to the public with a catch line of creating a society where all 100 million citizens can play active roles,” Imai told reporters.

Kato, a former Finance Ministry official, will also serve as a minister in charge of female empowerment as well as abduction issues.  Ironic considering Kato's stand on these issues.

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